What I’m Doing Now

It's long been my prediction that a whole lot of us in public positions would see a future where we function as both a company and a person. That is, not so much working 9 to 5 in an office leased by an employer but working from one's own home or rented space and contracting out in various capacities to various organizations.

This is certainly the direction I’m going. So I’m starting a company through which those things flow. It’s called Poputchik, which is Russian for (loosely) fellow traveler, because we all are.

I’m looking to do whatever I can to work with organizations dedicated to mental health awareness. I give speeches around the country, from the Carter Center in Atlanta to the snow plow drivers of Minneapolis. I’m ramping up to a new podcast and exploring some brand new opportunities in my old friend public radio, an industry I worked in for 20 years. My acclaimed memoir, The Hilarious World of Depression, is available and I continue to do physical and virtual appearances in support of that. 

John Moe